Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017)
Research Article

Social and Geographical research in the republic of Kazakhstan with the use of GIS technologies

Gulnara Nyussupova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Geography, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aisulu Kalimurzina
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Geography, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Roza Kelinbayeva
Institute of Geography, Laboratory of Tourism Geography and Recreation, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Published 2017-01-01


  • Social and geographical indicators,
  • social policy,
  • GIS,
  • regional studies,
  • Republic of Kazakhstan

How to Cite

Nyussupova, Gulnara, Aisulu Kalimurzina, and Roza Kelinbayeva. 2017. “Social and Geographical Research in the Republic of Kazakhstan With the Use of GIS Technologies”. European Journal of Geography 8 (3). https://eurogeojournal.eu/index.php/egj/article/view/306.


The article deals with the dynamics of the main indicators of socio-geographical processes of
the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1999 to 2014. The article is based on statistical data from
1999 to 2014 with an emphasis on 1999, 2009 (the first and second censuses of independent
Kazakhstan) and 2004, 2014. The territorial analysis of the socio-geographical processes
includes such indicators as population size, infant mortality, and life expectancy, the level of
health care, education level, and provision of the housing of the population. The main
conclusions are: 1. Kazakhstan is characterized by the increase in population due to natural
growth and a positive balance of migration; 2. The aging of the population, which led to the
increase in the unfavorable side of the indicator of the demographic load and the balance of
labor resources; 3. Low life expectancy in comparison with the developed countries; high
infant mortality rate. At the same time, Kazakhstan has almost 100% literacy rate of the
population and high coverage of the population by education


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