Published 2023-02-24
- Network Analysis,,
- Spatial Networks,,
- Spatial Similarity Index,,
- GIS,
- Spatial Analysis
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Copyright (c) 2023 Panagiotis Agourogiannis, Dimitris Kavroudakis, Marios Batsaris, Sofia Zafeirelli

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-02-24
Published 2023-02-24
The mathematical analysis of a spatial network using graph theory and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for path finding, has created the need to compare possible solutions to better solve spatial problems in road networks. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive and documented selection of the identification of similar routes on a spatial network through the development of a spatial Similarity Index. The index compares the geographical characteristics of routes (altitude, length, distance from points of interest) drawn in a spatial network and calculates the percentage of similarity between the routes and the criteria that contributed to their drawing. The purpose of this multicriteria indicator is to select the optimal solution for spatial problems that occur in a network, such as transport, energy, environment, sport, and tourism. This leads to the Similarity Index serving as a reliable tool in decision-making for local and regional development. The case study is the Greek island of Lesbos, with a complex road network that develops over a relief with strong differences in altitude. In addition, there are many points of tourist, cultural and economic interest on the island, which helps to find the path that largely fulfils all geographical parameters.
Research Highlights:
•Search algorithm to find paths in spatial networksusing GIS and graph theory.
•Network analysis to find similar paths with the same spatial characteristics.
•Decision making onlocal development using spatial networkanalysis.
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