Published 2023-05-15
- geography education,
- education for sustainable development,
- curriculum, higher education,
- blended learning
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Accepted 2023-05-03
Published 2023-05-15
Global change is one of the greatest challenges facing societies today. Higher education plays a crucial role in providing knowledge on global change, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. How is global change integrated into the planned, delivered and achieved curriculum? Has the pandemic promoted the development of blended learning courses on global change? To answer these two research questions, we conducted 25 interviews with academics about the prominence of global change in their courses and curriculum. We also analysed several geography curricula. It emerged that universities play a central role in mainstreaming global change into curricula in the context of education for sustainable development (ESD) and climate change. There were two main findings: (i) ESD has been implemented selectively in higher geography education, with a focus on environmental issues and different approaches and (ii) blended learning is a useful approach to develop new curriculum structures and content to educate students about global change.
- To date, higher education has dealt with global change in a fragmented way in the higher geography curriculum
- Higher education is a powerful element in preparing societies for global challenges
- The aim is to develop and share a common long-term, structural, sustainable and systemic cooperation on education, research and innovation in teaching ESD
- Blended learning approaches to higher education could incorporate a whole-system new curriculum structure in the context of global change
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