Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
Research Article

Landscape planning of the Kazaly irrigation array of Southern Kazakhstan

Published 2019-05-07


  • “landscape planning” “natural complex” “agricultural land” “balanced land use” “mapping”

How to Cite

KUDERIN, Amanzhol, Irina SKORINTSEVA, Tatyana BASSOVA, Victoria KRYLOVA, and Bella KRASNOYAROVA. 2019. “Landscape Planning of the Kazaly Irrigation Array of Southern Kazakhstan”. European Journal of Geography 10 (1). https://eurogeojournal.eu/index.php/egj/article/view/61.


The study presents the results on landscape planning of the Kazaly irrigated land located in the lower streamflow of the Syrdaria River. Land degradation (74.1% of the territory) and a revision of the land use is led by the injudicious use of irrigated land (387.6 thousand ha) for agriculture not considering the features of landscape. The results were obtained based on the use of the maps (topographic and land cover), land use patterns (1965-2017), remote sensing data (Landsat 8). The determined structural organization of landscapes irrigated land is represented mainly alluvial plains, the valley complex with the territory 80.4% of the total area of massif. The study gives the analysis of changes dynamics of irrigation areas for 1960- 2017 (2.8-22.0 thousand hectares) and qualitative assessment of the condition of agricultural land. The result of the study was complex of maps that contribute to solving problems of agricultural irrigated land management.


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