Gaming & Geography (Education): A Model of Reflexive Analysis of Space & Action in Video Games Michael Morawski, Sebastian Wolff-Seidel 1-19
Information in geographical space as the basis of cross-disciplinary researches in culture Geography Аlina N. Paranina, Roman V. Paranin
LitSpatz: An App for Literary Walks to Promote and Record Primary Students' Text Comprehension, Perspective Taking and Related Skills Nora Heyne, Maximilian Pfost, Peter Kuntner s64-s74
Modelling neoclassical geopolitics: An alternative theoretical tradition for geopolitical culture and literacy Nuno Morgado 13-21
Social construction of geographicity: A vision from humanistic geography Adrián Botello-Mares 147-153
Territories that refuse to fade away: Insights from the Províncias of Northern Portugal and the Comarcas of Galicia (Spain) Inês Gusman, Alejandro Otero-Varela 1-12
Unlocking the Research Potential of Early Modern Dutch Maps Leon van Wissen, Manjusha Kuruppath, Lodewijk Petram s12-s17