How individual scores affect the final expert-based assessments of ecosystem services: Range and mean scores analysis of natural heritage supply maps Hristina Prodanova, Desislava Varadzhakova 074 - 097 PDF
Spatial patterns of excess mortality in the first year of the COVID19 pandemic in Germany Thomas Wieland 018 - 033 PDF
Spatial parameters for the development of floating wind farms in Greece Dimitris Melissas , Evangelos Asprogerakas 001-017 PDF
Conceptual mapping of geography textbook content on the example of the desert biome Petr Trahorsch, Jan Daniel Bláha, Kristýna Ryčlová 045 - 064 PDF
On the transformation of regional food systems: From autochthonous to those generated by globalization Svetlana Kornekova 034 - 044 PDF
Planting a seed: Sustainable education for students with Additional Support Needs Don MacKeen 098-119 PDF